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Qingshui County Committee Secretary Li Juxia and the Delegation visited Huamao New Material research and guidance work

Time:2024-01-06 09:54:15

On the morning of 5th January,Qingshui County Committee Secretary Li Juxia together with County Governor Candidate Wang Tao and the Delegation went to Huamao (Gansu) New Materials Technology Co., LTD surveying. The Deputy General Manager of Huamao New Materials Li Hao accompanied the research and reported the work.


The research team inspected the equipment installation of No. 2 deep processing workshop.In-depth understanding of the steel structure installation progress of No. 1 and No. 2 smelting workshops and No. 1 raw material workshop, and the foundation excavation of No. 3 and No. 4 smelting workshops.After listening to the introduction of the project, In view of the actual difficulties existing Conduct on-site scheduling,Secretary Li Juxia urge relevant government departments to do a good job in policy support, and do a good job in service for project construction.At the same time, the project construction is required to move forward steadily and quickly according to the time node and task objectives. Enterprises and construction parties should further strengthen their sense of responsibility and overall awareness, cooperate closely, seize favorable opportunities, keep an eye on the target, and go all out to promote the project construction.


Secretary Li Juxia asked for precise efforts on the word "true" and to be brave in the word"do".Enterprises should strictly control the quality and safety, and strengthen the sense of time and efficiency. Must be sure to ensure production safety and maintain the red line and bottom line. While strictly grasping project quality and progress,All must pay great attention to production safety.To set up obvious safety warning signs in the site of the construction site and temporary electricity facilities and other important parts.Equipped with necessary safety protection facilities. All kinds of work have been carefully planned, innovative approached, Solid advanced, with the Huamao New Materials work achievement to help local development.